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DojoTom offers in-person and online personal training, and specializes in self-defense and hand-to-hand combat training. I am dedicated to providing not only physical transformation, but mindset development as well. I believe in building an authentic connection with all of my clients, and providing them with the highest level of individualized training.



About DojoTom Training

My Story

As a sensei in American Combat Karate and certified personal trainer, I have dedicated my life to helping people achieve their fitness and personal development goals. Contact me today to apply for one-on-one or virtual training.


At DojoTom, we offer in-person training as well as online coaching. Our client spots are limited, as we are dedicated to providing each client with the best possible experience. Read below to find out how to apply.


Personal Training

One-on-One In-Person Coaching

Our personal training sessions are highly curated to help you achieve your fitness goals. We incorporate self-defense and hand-to-hand combat training to help you feel safe and confident in any situation, while obtaining a physical and mental transformation. Every session is individualized to you and your goals, and takes into account physical ability, injuries, pregnancy/postpartum, and overall wellness . In-person spots are reserved for clients committed to training at least twice per week for a minimum of three months. Contact us today to apply for in-person coaching.


Online Training

Virtual Coaching

Our online coaching is designed to make it easy for you to achieve your goals, no matter where you are. We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience and results. We utilize an app to track progress and incorporate both training and nutrition into one platform. Local virtual clients are eligible to attend single in-person sessions and group seminars. Contact us to apply for online coaching.

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